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Harm reduction information

Nitrous oxide awareness information and advice

NITROUS OXIDE: awareness information and advice

front and reverse of nitrous oxide health information card - shown a balloon and a nitrous oxide bulb

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What is it?

  • A colourless and, mainly, odourless gas.
  • Also known as laughing gas, noz or noxy.
  • Comes in small silver pressurised containers (bulbs).
  • Usually transferred from a canister into a balloon for inhaling.
  • It’s a class C drug. Supply or possession with the intention of using to get high is illegal.

How does it make you feel?

  • Users feel light-headed, dizzy, giggly and euphoric.
  • Can also cause confusion, headaches and nausea.

What are the risks?

  • Using pressurised gas directly from a cannister is dangerous.
  • Inhaling in an enclosed space or putting your head in a bag of gas can lead to unconsciousness.
  • Using in hazardous locations, like high buildings, close to water etc, is risky.
  • Prolonged and heavy use can result in vitamin B deficiency and nerve damage.
  • Symptoms of nerve damage can include numbness or pins and needles in the arms and/or legs.
  • Excessive use can cause breathing difficulties and heart problems.

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Harm Reduction information

This is the same harm reduction information we use in our drug & alcohol leaflets. Please feel free to use it in your own resources or websites. Alternatively, you can buy designed and printed versions of this information from the Substance shop.

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Mephedrone (4-Methylmethcathinone) is a chemical made from synthetic cathinones, which are chemically similar to amphetamines.


Usually an off-white powder, but can change colour on exposure to air. Normally found in tablets or capsules. It can have a sharp chemical or fishy/bleachy smell.


Some people snort it, but this is painful and damaging to the nose. It is safer to wrap it in a cigarette paper and swallow it (bombed). 


Mephedrone, and other cathinone-based substances, are illegal to possess, supply or produce. It is a class B drug, which means possession could get you up to 5 years in jail and a fine. Supplying (even giving it away) gets up to 14 years in jail and a fine.


Mephedrone can affect different people in different ways, depending on the amount, how it’s taken, where you are, etc. Basically, it feels similar to speed, ecstasy or cocaine. Effects start within minutes if snorted but can take up to an hour to come on if you have swallowed it, and will last longer.

The effects can include:

  • Feelings of wellbeing, alertness, increased confidence and becoming more talkative.
  • Increased heart rate, palpitations, heavy sweating, blurred vision, hot flushes, irregular heartbeat, nausea, and muscle tension, especially in the face and jaw.
  • The main after-effects are tiredness, feeling dizzy and feeling low.


The risks can include:

  • Taking an entirely different substance. How do you know what that white powder is? This makes the risks unpredictable.
  • Damage to the nose through snorting.
  • Anxiety, panic attacks and agitation.
  • Raised blood pressure, which can lead to heart problems and strokes.
  • Memory loss (forgetting what you have done while high).
  • Heatstroke. Stimulants can cause you to overheat especially if you are bouncing around in a nightclub.


There isn’t enough information around at the moment to predict if Mephedrone is addictive or will cause long-term damage to your health.



But if you are still going to use Mephedrone, the following tips will help you reduce some of the risks.


Take a small amount and wait. Don’t take more because you can’t feel anything happening after half an hour or so. Yes, it could be some blag white powder, or even a completely different substance, but how do you know? Give it time to start. Taking too much too soon could put you on a bad one. Learn to recognise, and handle, the effects. 


Decide how much you are going to need and try and stick to it. Only carry what you are going to use. The less you take the lower the risks.


Using stimulants will dehydrate you and can cause you to overheat. This is very dangerous. Mixing them with alcohol will dehydrate you even further, particularly if you are bouncing up and down all night. Drink water or soft drinks and the occasional isotonic sports drinks which contains sugar and salt. Drink about a pint of fluid an hour, but don’t overdo it. Take regular breaks to cool down.


Swallowing a capsule or tablet, or powder wrapped in a cigarette paper, will avoid damaging your nose.


If you do snort, flush your nose with clean water, and make sure you use your own straw or note. Don’t share them with anyone else, they could have all kinds of germs on them. 


Don’t use Mephedrone on your own. It is always safer to have someone else around, and tell your mates what you have taken.


If you start to feel unwell go to the chill-out area and take a break, maybe sip some water. Take someone with you who can keep an eye on you. If you start to feel worse, getting dizzy, very hot dry skin, or a racing heart, get medical attention immediately and tell them what you have taken. If you are with someone who has taken the knock and you have to leave them alone to go and get help, put them in the recovery position first.

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Article Introduction: Cannabis harm reduction and awareness information for people who use cannabis or are starting to experiment.

Cannabis harm reduction information

front cover of cannabis harm reduction booklet showing a cannabis leaf

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Cannabis is usually smoked in a cigarette called a ‘joint’, normally rolled with tobacco.


Smoked in a pipe or a water ‘bong’ (a pipe which passes the smoke through water to cool and filter it).

When smoked, cannabis usually affects you quite quickly.


Vaporisers (about £50 to buy) are less risky - they get just hot enough to release the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol, the bit that gets you stoned)  but not the tar.


Sometime people will eat cannabis, mixed with other ingredients, eg. in biscuits (cookies) or cakes.

  • If it is eaten, the effects take much longer to be felt, but can build up and get stronger over a longer time.
  •  It is much harder for someone to control the dose of the drug when cannabis is eaten.


Cannabis generally refers to the dried flowers of the female plant. It comes in the form of resin, normally extracted from the flowers of the plant, the dried flowers, or very rarely as
cannabis oil.


Cannabis affects people in different ways. It depends on how you feel, how much you smoke and where and who you are with, but generally, when smoked, the effects are felt quite quickly. 

They can range from feeling relaxed, happy and laid back to feeling wired and paranoid.

For some people, effects can include eating large amounts of biscuits, pot burns in your favourite clothes and sitting on your bum all day.



Your lungs were not meant to take in hot, noxious gases, so smoking cannabis, even on its own, is probably not good for your lungs .

Cannabis is usually smoked with tobacco which is known to cause serious health problems including cancer and heart disease. The nicotine in tobacco is very addictive


If you feel down, cannabis will probably make you feel worse. You may feel sick, confused and worried – but these feeling will normally wear off as the cannabis does.

If you have an underlying mental health problem or one that you may not know about, using cannabis may bring it on. So, if you find yourself at the checkout at your local Asda stocking up on silver foil to stick to the inside of your house to stop people reading your mind, you might want to consider cutting down or even sacking cannabis altogether.


Using cannabis can become a habit. Regular users may find it hard to stop. If you smoke cannabis with tobacco you may find it even more difficult to give up cigarettes


When you use cannabis, you may keep forgetting what you’re doing and find it hard to concentrate. You might find you can’t work or study properly. You may still feel spaced out the next day.


Cannabis can make you clumsy and slow to react. Don’t smoke cannabis if you are going to drive or operate machinery.


If you are going to start or continue to use cannabis, the advice below will help reduce the impact to your health.

Don’t use tobacco

Don’t hold smoke in your lungs

You won’t get more stoned. It just means more tar and other nasty chemicals will stick to your lungs.

Don’t use a cigarette filter for a roach

You will inhale more tar. Use plain card, loosely rolled up, for a roach – this lets the smoke flow easily.

Don’t use too many papers

Three skinners will do – or you’ll breathe in too much burnt paper.

Don’t use plastic bottles, rubber hoses, PVC, foil and aluminium

these give off toxic fumes when hot. Glass, steel or brass pipes are safer.

Maybe you like to get high, but not everyone does. Show some respect. Don’t smoke near people who don’t take it – especially children and people with breathing problems.


  • If one of your friends is having a bad time sit them somewhere quiet and comfortable, away from others. Stay calm and keep them calm, take their mind off things by talking to them. Tell them the bad feelings will wear off soon.
  • Cannabis lowers blood-sugar levels. You will feel better if you have something sweet to eat or drink.
  • If you feel bad when stoned you should think about stopping, if only for a short time. Give your mind and your body a break.
  • If you use it every day, have a couple of days off each week. Smoke fewer spliffs a day, or put a bit less in them.
  • If you are trying to cut down, avoid places, people or events that remind you of cannabis.
  • Don’t buy extra, thinking you will save some for tomorrow – you probably won’t.


Cannabis, is a Class B drug, which is illegal to possess, produce or supply.

According to the law, if you’re prosecuted for possession, you can get up to 5 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both. If you’re prosecuted for supply and production, you can get up to 14 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both.


It’s illegal to drive while over the permitted level of cannabis in your system. If you test positive, you’ll face a driving ban, a large fine, or even imprisonment.


When it comes to possession for personal use, some police forces will take a different approach to try to keep you out of the criminal justice system, especially if you’re under 18. So, in practice, the police will choose from the following range of options (depending on where you live in the country and whether you’ve committed any crime or similar offence before):

  • Issue a warning.
  • Make you pay an on-the-spot fine.
  • Give you a ‘community resolution’, which will probably involve you doing an educational course on drugs. You won’t have a criminal record, but it will show up on an enhanced DBS check.
  • Issue a ‘conditional caution’. This is likely to involve you doing a rehabilitation course relevant to using cannabis, or having to do unpaid work, or pay a fine. A conditional caution will go on your criminal record.
  • Or you can be charged with the offence. 

If you’re under 18, the police are allowed to tell your parents or carers.

Persistent offenders will be prosecuted and appear in court.

Check the laws and guidelines, as these can change over time.

Find out about penalties here:

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WOMEN AND ALCOHOL: health information and advice

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A drink on a night out, or at home after a hard days work, can help you relax.
However, getting carried away and drinking too much, too often, can lead to all kinds of problems.

The information in this booklet will explore these issues and help you understand the harm that can be caused by alcohol and keep you safe.


Men really are from Mars and women from Venus when it comes to alcohol, because alcohol has a different impact on women’s bodies than it does on men’s.
Women’s bodies generally weigh less and have proportionally more fat than men’s (sorry girls, but it’s true) Women also have less body fluid to dilute the alcohol, so it travels around the body in a more concentrated form and causes more harm.


The government has issued guidelines on recommended daily alcohol limits aimed at reducing his harm. 
For women, the recommended daily limits are for no more than 2-3 units of alcohol a day, with, ideally, a few alcohol free days a week.
On the next page we explain what is meant by a 'unit'.

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Skunk harm reduction information and advice


Information and advice on potency, health issues, dependency, and tips on how to cut down or stop.

Cover of Skunk harm reduction information and advice resource, showing a bag of skunk cannabis

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About Skunk

Skunk is a type of female, seedless cannabis plant, which is the result of cross-breeding two varieties of cannabis called Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica, although there are also other combinations of the plant referred to as Skunk. 

When combined, these two plants provide the best characteristics for artificial growing and THC content, which can range from 6% to 20%. 

The term 'Skunk' is often used to describe any leaf-based, strong-smelling herbal cannabis. For this booklet, we have used the name to refer to indoor farmed herbal cannabis, grown in the UK.

The Skunk harm reduction information and advice in this section of our website will raise awareness of the potential risks and enable you to make inforamed decisions

How common is Skunk?

Over the last decade, Skunk has become the most common type of cannabis in the UK and accounts for nearly 70% of all cannabis smoked.

Most of the Skunk used in this country has been grown on indoor farms, producing commercial quantities of plants, under artificial lights and soil-based pots. Less than 10% of Skunk is grown using the more advanced hydroponic growing systems, which grow plants in nutrient-rich water systems.

Skunk and Hash

The cannabis plant contains over 480 natural elements. Sixty of these elements which occur only in the cannabis plant and are called cannabinoids.

Of these, two elements, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are the leading players.

THC gives you a feeling of euphoria and being high, while CBD causes drowsiness, and the 'can't be bothered moving' stoned feeling. THC also contributes to the feelings of paranoia and anxiety you can sometimes feel when smoking skunk. It is believed that CBD can act as a brake for the THC, and takes the edge of its effects. Skunk contains very low levels of CBD.

Although the evidence is unproven on CBD if you are having panic attacks or feeling edgy or anxious and are going to continue smoking cannabis try switching to resin (Hash) which has much higher levels of CBD.

How strong is Skunk?

'30 times stronger' and 'Mad Skunk' are some of the lurid headlines in the media concerning the potency of herbal cannabis and how much stronger it is today than in the past. 

According to a recent government report, the average potency for factory-farmed herbal cannabis in the UK was 15% an increase from 13.98% reported in 2004. Although there have been some samples reported which have been higher than this average, the thirty times stronger claim seems somewhat exaggerated.

Strength and potency are two different things. The term potency is typically used to describe the amount of THC, usually expressed as a percentage (by weight), within the resin which covers the cannabis flowers.

You could have high potency but very a small amount of resin on the plant which wouldn't give you a strong high, but a concentrated amount of resin with a low potency could be quite strong. So potency and strength, when used in relation to cannabis, can be misleading.

The strength of cannabis also varies depending on the strain or variety of the plant. It will be affected by how the plant is grown, the part used, and the way it's prepared for use and stored.

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Cannabis and health

Can Skunk affect your mental health?

Not everyone who uses cannabis will develop mental health problems. Not everyone who has mental health problems has used cannabis. But you are more likely to develop a mental health illness if you smoke cannabis. And are vulnerable' to mental health problems. 

High TCH Skunk

Current evidence around cannabis and mental health suggests that it may make existing mental health issues worse in some people, particularly if you are smoking high THC Skunk. It may also bring on mental health issues in people who have an underlying condition they may not yet be aware of.

Researchers recently researched a group of 18-20-year-olds who smoked cannabis. When they followed them up more than 15 years later, they found that participants were: 

  • more likely to develop psychosis if they used Skunk instead of milder cannabis,
  • 2 times more likely to develop schizophrenia than someone who doesn't take cannabis, and
  • 6 times more likely to develop schizophrenia if they are a heavy cannabis user compared to someone who doesn't take cannabis.

Cannabis psychosis and schizophrenia

Psychosis includes hallucinations and delusions. Hallucinations make someone experience things that other people aren't, including hallucinations or hearing voices. Delusions are when people have unusual beliefs that other people don't, and feeling detached from reality.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects how someone thinks or feels. Symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations and delusions. But often it will have other symptoms like feeling flat or emotionless or withdrawing from other people.

While we cannot be sure that cannabis was the cause of the psychosis or schizophrenia for all participants in the study, it is worth bearing it in mind if you feel your cannabis use is affecting your mental health.

Skunk and your physical health

Smoking is harmful to the lungs. Inhaling any burning organic matter releases harmful toxins into your body. Skunk can also contain pesticides and fertilisers used during its production, as well as bacteria which can grow on the buds and can compromise the immune system. This can be a problem for those living with HIV/AIDS or cancer.

How to reduce the risks from using skunk


    Although cannabis has its share of tar and toxins, there is no point in adding to the negatives by combining it with a damaging and addictive substance like tobacco.

    Using a regular cigarette filter will cut out some of the THC, leading you to inhale harder and longer on the joint to get the effect you want. This is going to increase the levels of tar and toxins you inhale. Just use a plain rolled up piece of card with no print on (roach).

    Bongs made from plastic, wood, rubber, or aluminium cans, give off toxic fumes when they get hot. Remember, when passing the bong or pipe around that it could contain bacteria or viruses from everybody else that has used it. Probably best to stick to using your own.

    Most of the THC in the joint is absorbed quite easily by your lungs in the first few seconds, so no need to hold the smoke for longer or deeper in your lungs. It will increase the damage to your lungs.

    One of the least harmful ways of using cannabis is to use a vaporiser. This is a device which heats the cannabis enough to release the THC but not enough to produce damaging smoke.
  • EAT IT

    You can add cannabis to food when you are cooking, but remember, the effects of cannabis when eaten take a lot longer to hit you than when you smoke. The effects can take an hour or two to start and a few hours to reach their peak and may last for up to 12 hours or more. So don't eat a piece of hash cake and then, a few minutes later, eat some more because it hasn't 'started working'. Give it a chance to get going before you neck some more.

Cannabis use warning signs

Most people will have a positive experience when using cannabis, But for some of you, cannabis will become an issue. The list below will help you identify some of the warning signs.

Are you using more cannabis than you used to? 

Are you developing a tolerance and need more to achieve the same effect?

Getting Moody?

If you don’t smoke your normal amount of cannabis are you irritable, feel a bit moody and have trouble sleeping?

Time and Stress?

Do you spend a lot  of  time getting hold of cannabis and recovering from its effects? Stressing out when your dealer doesn’t answer their phone straight away or doesn’t answer their door after the first knock?

Has your Life Changed?

Think about what you used to get up to before you started using cannabis. Do you still do them? If not, then maybe cannabis is taking their place.

Do you want to give up or cut down but can’t seem to get your head around it?

If two or three of these apply to you then maybe you should think about cutting down or stopping altogether.

Want to stop or cut down your cannabis use?

You may be getting bored with being stoned, it may be affecting your health, using all your money, getting in the way of relationships. These are all good reasons for wanting to make changes.

There are a number of steps you can take which may help.

Think about why you want to change your cannabis use

Put together a list of good and bad things about your cannabis use. 

You can refer to this during your moments of weakness to remind yourself why you decided to make changes in the first place.

Create a cannabis diary

Create a diary of how much you smoked in the last week or two. Write how much you spent, where you smoked and who with. It will help motivate you and identify high-risk situations.

Plan ahead

Tell your friends or family about what you are going to do. 

It will make it easier to refuse a joint when offered, and your friends and family may be more understanding when you are feeling a bit on edge and being a pain.

Think about high-risk situations

These are times when you may be tempted to go back to your old ways, this could be meeting your mates somewhere where you would all spark up, a programme you watch or even a piece of music you would normally listen to while you are stoned. During the first few days, it is probably best to avoid these situations.

Avoid the friends you usually smoke with for a while

 It will make it easier if you don't place temptation in your way.

Cannabis cravings and withdrawal symptoms

 How withdrawal symptoms affect you depend on how much you used to smoke and how long you have been smoking for, but these can include:

  • irritability
  • urges to smoke (cravings)
  • anxiety
  • feeling depressed
  • feeling angry
  • confusion

 these symptoms appear in the form of:

  • sleep problems
  • restlessness
  • loss of appetite
  • tremors
  • sweating (mainly at night)

Symptoms start between one and three days after stopping cannabis and last for around two weeks. They are not going to harm you and are a positive sign that the body is adapting to being cannabis free.

Cravings will only last for a few minutes so put off the decision to smoke for say 10 minutes and go and do something else, maybe go for a walk or read a book or magazine. The urge will pass. Every time you get through a craving without giving in, it will get easier.

Start to cut down

It may help some people to cut down the amount of skunk they use before they stop altogether.

Delay the first smoke of the day, put less cannabis in each joint, or have fewer joints.

Getting on with it.

Deal with high-risk situations. Clear your flat of any cannabis paraphernalia, including skins, pipes, bongs, etc. Delete your dealers number from your phone.

Stay active

Doing something else will help take up space in your head that cannabis used to. 

  •  Do something new
  •  Start a new hobby or enrol on a course.
  • Look after yourself

Stick to a healthy diet, try to get as much sleep as you can, drink plenty of water and try to get some exercise, this will help lower your stress levels.

Keep going

Depending on how long you have been smoking cannabis, you may not succeed at the first attempt. Don't beat yourself up if this happens. You haven't failed. You have just taken the first step. Try again - it will probably be a bit easier next time.

Cannabis and the law

Cannabis is illegal. It is a class B drug. It’s against the law to possess, sell, give away, grow, or let your premises be used for smoking it

Possessing cannabis

The maximum penalty for possession of a Class B drug can be up to five years in prison and an unlimited fine.

Supplying cannabis

The maximum penalty for supplying a Class B drug can be 14 years’ imprisonment a fine or both.

If you are over 18

An ‘escalation’ penalty system for possession of the drug is used to decide the punishment for anyone caught in possession.

First offence:

Verbal ‘cannabis warning’ from the police.

Second offence:

Penalty Notice for Disorder (PND), resulting in an on-the-spot £80 fine.

Third offence:

Arrest, conditional caution or prosecution.

If you are under 18

Anyone under 18 years of age found in possession of cannabis will be taken to a police station where they may receive a reprimand, final warning or charge, depending on the seriousness of the offence.

This must be administered in the presence of an appropriate adult. If you are caught with cannabis in Scotland you’ll be arrested and reported to the Procurator Fiscal, who will decide if criminal proceedings should be taken or not.

Growing Cannabis

People growing a small number of plants can often be charged with possession, supply and production and if convicted could be looking at a short prison sentence, while commercial growers could face even longer inside.

Indoor growing systems can be detected quite easily from the thermal camera of a police helicopter and the large electricity bills could easily land you in trouble.

Drug Driving

Some people think that cannabis is a ‘safer substitute’ than drinking alcohol, but it can cause concentration to wander, which can affect reaction times. It can also cause paranoia, drowsiness, distorted perception and a sense of disorientation - all of which could cause you to lose control at the wheel.

Even though the effects of cannabis fade after a matter of hours, it can be detected in your body for up to four weeks. In theory, this can compromise the driver if they’re tested positive, even if their driving wasn’t adversely affected at the time.

A criminal record can affect your future employment and travel

A criminal record can be a real problem at home, college, work, and in later life. Even convictions that are supposed to be ‘spent’ (which means that you do not have to declare it when asked in relation to travel or work) could still show up.

There are also lots of jobs which require an ‘enhanced check’ such as teacher, taxi driver, soldier etc. Other countries will have their own laws on drug convictions and these could cause your travel problems.

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More cannabis information


    Call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, FRANK is around to give you FREE info on drugs.

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Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

The resources are really good. Very user-friendly and packed with relevant information. They’re great.

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There aren't many resources aimed at young people. Your colourful clear resources are very good.


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Drugs Staying Safe Free

Drugs & Staying Safe - Harm Reduction Information & Advice For Young People

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Growing up can be tough - always under pressure from your friends and family to do the right thing - look right, sound right and behave right.

But, as a young person, what is the 'right' when it comes to drugs and alcohol - should you take that MDMA powder or neck that ecstasy pill. What's in it, how will it make you feel, what are the risks?

This page provides you with clear, non-judgemental information about some of the most commonly used legal and illegal substances, including:

  • Alcohol
  • Amphetamine
  • Cannabis
  • Cocaine
  • Ecstasy
  • Ketamine
  • Legal Highs
  • Mephedrone
  • Solvents

The final section is called 'staying safe.' It includes information about mixing drugs and alcohol, feeling unwell, and looking after yourselves and your mates.

Remember, new substances are coming out all the time, make sure you do your research before you make a decision. There are numerous websites and forums out there - some bad, some good. Keep up-to-date, stay informed and stay safe.


Alcohol is a chemical called Ethanol. It is produced by brewing grains or fruits containing sugar, with water and yeast. It comes in various forms such as lager, wine, cider or vodka.

The amount of alcohol in a drink is measured in units. Different drinks have a different number of units. The number of units in a bottle or can of alcohol is printed on the label or packaging.

The effects of alcohol

  • Can slow down your brain which, in small amounts, can make you feel relaxed and sociable.
  • Can cause slurred speech, blurred vision, confusion, loss of coordination, and heightened emotions, the more you drink.

The problems with alcohol

  • Can damage your liver, stomach, kidneys, brain, muscles, skin and bones and causes cancer.
  • Can cause impotence (brewer's droop), infertility (shooting blanks), shrink the testicles, and grow breasts, in men.
  • May cause loss of periods, infertility (can't have a baby), and fat redistribution, in women.
  • Can cause addiction.
  • Can result in unconsciousness and sometimes death, if you drink a lot very quickly.

Young people, under 16, should not drink alcohol at all as this can damage developing organs. The best advice is not to drink alcohol until you're 18.

When over 18, men & women should drink no more than 14 units a week, spread evenly across a few days with a couple of alcohol-free days.

Alcohol and the law

If you are under 18 it is against the law for you:

  • To sell you alcohol or for an adult to try and buy it on your behalf.
  • To buy alcohol, attempt to buy alcohol, or to be sold alcohol.
  • To drink alcohol in licensed premises, with one exception - 16 and 17 year-olds accompanied by an adult can drink (but not buy) beer, wine, and cider with a table meal in a pub or restaurant.


Amphetamine sulphate is a stimulant, commonly known as 'speed', which normally comes as a grey, dirty-white or pinkish powder.

The effects of amphetamines

Can cause feelings of energy and alertness, suppressing hunger and reducing the need to sleep.
  • Can speed up your heartbeat and breathing.
  • Can also cause anxiety, paranoia, irritability, twitchiness and insomnia.

The problems with amphetamines

  • Can lead to tolerance, meaning you have to take more to get the same effect.
  • Excessive use can lead to psychosis (loss of contact with reality), chest pain, heart problems and high blood pressure.
  • Can cause something called formication, which is the excessive itching and scratching of the skin, leading to skin infections.
  • The purity of some amphetamines can be as low as 5%.

Amphetamines and the law

  • Amphetamines are illegal, Class B drugs. 
  • Possession of Class B drugs carries a maximum sentence of 5 years' imprisonment and a fine. 
  • Supplying (selling or giving away) carries a maximum sentence of 14 years' imprisonment and a fine.


Cannabis comes from a plant called Cannabis Sativa.
Cannabis normally comes in a solid brown lump called hash (the resin scraped from the plant), or the dried flowers of the plant, known as grass, weed or Skunk.

The main chemical in cannabis is called THC (Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol), which is the bit that makes you feel trippy. Different types of cannabis have different levels of THC.
It is normally smoked, rolled with tobacco in cigarette papers, or in a pipe or bong, but it can also be eaten.

The effects of cannabis

  • Cannabis can make you feel relaxed, trippy, talkative and giggly.
  • It can make you feel tired, lazy and sleepy.
  • Can make colours, music and taste seem more intense.

The problems with Cannabis

  • Cannabis can cause paranoia, anxiety and panic attacks.
  • In some people, cannabis can bring on mental health problems.
  • The earlier you start smoking cannabis, the more likely you are to have problems with it.
  • Can cause lung damage if smoked.
  • Cannabis become a habit and lead to a lack of motivation and problems concentrating at school or work.

Cannabis and the law

  • Cannabis is an illegal, Class B drug.
  • It is illegal to have, sell, grow or give away.
  • If you are under-18 and caught with cannabis your parents or guardian will be contacted, you could get a reprimand and possibly a referral to a Youth Offending Team.
  • If you are over-18, a first-time offence will usually get you a 'cannabis warning,' a second offence will get you an on-the-spot fine, and a third offence will result in prosecution and a criminal record.

There are products which claim to have the same effects as cannabis (Spice, Black Mamba, etc.), but these can also be harmful and are illegal under the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.


Cocaine is a substance obtained from the leaves of the coca plant.
It normally comes in a white powder form. The purity of cocaine can vary greatly throughout the UK, from between 15-55%.

The effects of cocaine

  • Can cause an energy rush, and feelings of exhilaration, confidence and wellbeing.
  • Can also cause effects like edginess, paranoia, anxiety and shaking.

The problems with cocaine

  • Cocaine is normally snorted through a rolled-up note or straw. The cocaine and the chemicals it is mixed with are acid and can burn or damage your nose.
  • The note or straw you use may have been up others peoples' noses and can be covered in snot, viruses and germs.
  • The initial effects of cocaine only last between 15 and 30 minutes. Using again and again to achieve the same effect can lead to tolerance, where you have to use more and more to get the same buzz further down the line, addiction.
  • Cocaine increase blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature.
  • Using cocaine increases the risk of stroke or a heart attack.

Cocaine and the law

  • Cocaine is an illegal, Class A drug.
  • Possession of Class A drugs carries a maximum sentence of 7 years imprisonment and/a fine.
  • Supplying (selling or giving away) carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment and a fine.



The active chemical in Ecstasy is MDMA, or to give it its full chemical name, 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

MDMA usually comes in tablet form, known as 'ecstasy', or powder, known as 'MDMA powder.'

Tablets come in various shapes and colours. MDMA powder usually comes in white or off-white crystals or powder.

Remember, not all tablets claiming to be ecstasy or powder claiming to be MDMA, actually contain any real MDMA.

The effects of ecstasy

  • Can cause an initial rush, jaw clenching, nausea, and nervousness.
  • Can increase energy levels and give a warm 'loved-up' huggy feeling.
  • Can cause sounds, colours, and feelings to be more intense.

The problems with ecstasy

  • Ecstasy can cause you to overheat, particularly if you are jumping up and down (sometimes called dancing!) in a nightclub and don't drink enough liquid, take a break, or get some fresh air.
  • Ecstasy causes your body to retain water (you can't pee!) which alters your body's chemical balance.
  • If you also drink a lot of water, this can cause your brain to swell.
  • Deaths from ecstasy have often been caused by drinking either not enough or too much water.
  • Your body needs about a pint of fluid - water, isotonic drink or fruit juice - an hour, to function properly in a hot environment.
  • Ecstasy normally takes half an hour to an hour to start working but can take longer. Being impatient and taking more can increase the dangers.
    The comedown from ecstasy can leave you feeling tired and depressed for a few days afterwards.

Ecstasy and the law

  • Ecstasy is an illegal, class A drug.
  • Possession of Class A drugs carries a maximum sentence of 7 years imprisonment and/or a fine.
  • Supplying (selling or giving away) carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment and a fine.


Ketamine is an anaesthetic that comes in the form of a clear liquid, tablets, or powder ranging in colour from off-white to light brown.

The effects of Ketamine

  • The effects of Ketamine vary depending on your environment. In small doses it normally acts as a stimulant, boosting your energy levels, and making you feel high and trippy.
  • Larger doses can cause a strange 'out-of-body' effect, with hallucinations, feelings of calm and serenity, distorted reality, panic attacks, unpleasant feelings and fear.
  • These feelings can last up to 90 minutes.
  • The out-of-body experience is known as being in a 'K hole'.
    Physical effects can include loss of control over your body, loss of coordination, difficulty speaking, moving, hearing and seeing (delirium), numbness and nausea. 

The problems with Ketamine

Obviously, if you are having an out-of-body experience and can't move your arms and legs, then you're particularly at risk, especially in unfamiliar surroundings.

Because Ketamine is an anaesthetic and numbs your body, you can't feel pain as much as you would normally, so you can injure yourself without realising.

  • Regularly using a lot of Ketamine can cause serious bladder problems, with severe pain and difficulty peeing.
  • Too much Ketamine can affect your breathing, leading to unconsciousness or heart failure.
  • Ketamine can be addictive.

Ketamine and the law

  • Ketamine is an illegal, Class C drug.
  • Possession of Class C drugs carries a maximum sentence of 2 years imprisonment and/or fine.
  • Supplying (selling or giving away) carries a maximum sentence of 14 years imprisonment and a fine.


Mephedrone (4-Methylmethcathinone) also known as Meph, Meow Meow, M-Cat, is a synthetic chemical, similar to amphetamines.

Usually an off-white powder. Normally found in tablets or capsules. It can have a sharp chemical or fishy/bleachy smell.

Effects of Mephedrone

  • Feelings of wellbeing,
  • alertness,
  • increased confidence and becoming more talkative.

Adverse effects of Mephedrone

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Palpitations, heavy sweating.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Hot flushes.
  • Irregular heartbeat.
  • Nausea, and muscle tension, especially in the face and jaw.

The main after-effects are tiredness, feeling dizzy and feeling low.

The problem with Mephedrone

  • Can be mixed with unknown substances.
  • Damage to the nose through snorting.
  • Anxiety, panic attacks and agitation.
  • Raised blood pressure, which can lead to heart problems and strokes.

Stimulants can cause you to overheat, especially if you are bouncing around in a nightclub.

There isn't enough information around at the moment to predict if Mephedrone is addictive or will cause long-term damage to your health.

Mephedrone and the law

  • Mephedrone and other cathinone-based substances are illegal to possess, supply or produce.
  • It is a class B drug.
  • Possession could get you up to 5 years in jail and a fine.
  • Supplying (even giving it away) gets up to 14 years in jail and a fine.

New psychoactive substances (NPS)

New psychoactive substances (NPS) - formely know as legal highs

In 2016 the Government brought in a new law, the Psychoactive Substances Act, which made all drugs formerly known as 'legal highs' illegal to produce, import or supply. Legal highs used to be sold in head shops or from websites and were packaged in shiny colourful bags.

They had names like Spice, Mexxy, Benzo etc. They claimed to be 'legal' things like bath salts, research chemicals or plant food and were claimed to have the same effects of illegal drugs like cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy.

NPS and the law

It is not illegal to possess a psychoactive substance unless you are in custody, a prison or a young offender institution. It is illegal to possess a psychoactive substance if you intend to supply it to others, or if the substance is covered under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

For possession of a psychoactive substance in a custodial institution, the maximum sentence is 2 years. For other offences, such as production and possession with intent to supply, the maximum sentence is 7 years.

Remember, supply can mean giving them to a mate, and importing can mean ordering them from the internet.

Some drugs that started out as legal highs, like Spice, are now illegal under the Misuse of Drugs Act. Spice is a Class B drug, so having it in your possession will get you into trouble. Although maximum sentences are rarely used, possessing Spice can lead to a maximum sentence of five years. If you are convicted of possession with intent to supply, you could add another 9 years on top of that.

The bottom line is - most drugs that are intended to get you high can also get you into bother with the law.


Solvents come in many forms, such as household products like glues, lighter fluid and aerosol sprays, and are normally inhaled.

The effects of solvents

  • Can cause intoxication (feeling very drunk), dizziness and drowsiness.
  • Can cause sickness and vomiting.
  • Can lead to aggressive and risky behaviour.

The problems with solvents

  • Can cause your heart to beat irregularly or stop, even on first-time use. This can happen whether they are sniffed from a bag, an aerosol or sprayed into your mouth.
  • Can cause loss of consciousness. If you use solvents in a dangerous location or place your head inside a bag, there is the added danger of having an accident or suffocating.
  • Can cause burning or a rash around your mouth and nose.

Solvents and the law

  • It is illegal to supply solvents to persons under the age of 18 if the supplier knows or suspects the product will be sniffed.

Staying safe

The best way to stay safe and avoid the risks of using drugs and alcohol is not to use them at all, but if you intend to, then the information on this page will help you and your friends have as safe a night out as possible.


A few drinks with your mate to loosen up as you get ready to go out can turn into a session. You are two and a half times more likely to get into a fight or have an accident than people who only start drinking when they go out.

Mixing drugs and alcohol

Using drugs is risky in itself, but mixing them with alcohol can make the effects of both very unpredictable and dangerous. Alcohol dehydrates you so mixing it with other drugs that do the same, like cocaine, ecstasy or Mephedrone, or some of the legal highs can be very risky.

Pace yourself

It can be tempting, on a night out, to get as hammered as possible, as quickly as possible. This is going to ruin your night! Try to pace yourself. Don't drink on an empty stomach. Have a soft drink or water. You don't have to have an alcoholic drink at every round. Drink lower alcoholic drinks, or drink slower. Sip your drink and then put it down somewhere you can keep an eye on it, holding your drink will mean you drink faster.

Don't take more drugs because you think the ones you have taken are not working. The effects of drugs can vary for lots of reasons, such as the way you feel, where you are, how much you have taken.

Or there may be different amounts of the drug in the substance you have taken. It may even be a completely different substance. Taking more could mean you overdose. Be patient, pace yourself!


Alcohol and drugs reduce our ability to think straight. If you are someone who loses their temper easily, alcohol and drugs can make things worse. If you are on the receiving end of someone giving you grief, walk away. It can be hard to lose face in front of other people, but it has got to be better than being the victim of a serious assault or being locked up for giving someone else a hiding.


Alcohol and drugs increase your self-confidence and make it easier to approach someone you fancy, but if you've been using drugs or alcohol, you can end up going further than you intended.

If you intend to have sex, use a condom. Having sex without a condom can leave you open to sexually transmitted infections (STI's) and unplanned pregnancies. If you are worried, you might have an STI, visit your GP, walk-in centre or visit the GUM clinic at your local hospital

Women can get oral emergency contraception from their GP, Walk-in-centre and most pharmacies. This can be taken 72 hours after unprotected sex and is available to anyone over 16 years of age.

Don't flash your valuables

Don't flash your expensive phone around; it could end up stolen. Buy a cheap phone to use when you are going out. Make sure it has credit and is fully charged.

If you are drawing cash from a machine, be aware of who is around and don't let anyone distract you, shield your pin and put your money away quickly. Use a machine in a well-lit public area.

Keep an eye on your drink

Never accept drinks from a stranger or someone you don't trust. These could be spiked.

Looking after yourself and your mates

If you are going to leave the club or pub with someone you have just met, make sure your friends know what you are doing and where you are going, maybe you could take a pic of your new friend and text it to your friends. If a friend is telling you where they are going and who with, listen to what they are saying.

Feeling unwell

If someone goes too far and starts to feel unwell, take them somewhere quiet and cool. Keep them sitting up and awake, give them water if they're able to drink. If you are unable to wake them and their breathing is erratic, lie them on their side in the recovery position and get medical help.

Getting home safely

Have a plan of how you are going to get home after a night out.

Try to pre-book and pay for a taxi to take you home from a pre-arranged location. Use this location as a meeting point if you get split up from your friends.

If you do end up walking home alone, be aware of your surroundings, stay on well-lit public roads, don't be tempted to take the short-cut across the dark, deserted park because you can't wait to crash into bed.

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Mephedrone information and harm-reduction advice

Mephedrone information and harm-reduction advice

methylmethcathinone - 4-MMC - 4-methylephedrone - Meeow! Meeow!

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If you are using, or thinking of trying, mephedrone this guide will help you understand what is known (so far) about it, describe how it is used, the effects and potential risks, and highlight harm reduction advice.

Mephedrone is known by many names. Its chemical names are 4-methylmethcathinone (sometimes shortened to 4-MMC) and 4-methylephedrone, hence the shortened version ‘mephedrone’. Over the past few years it has been sold by the names M-CAT, Bubble, Magic, Plant Food, amongst a long list of product names.

Usually a white powder commonly sold in gram bags, it is a short-acting, stimulant-type drug with effects similar to cocaine and amphetamines, so any problems attached to its use will be similar too.

After “killer drug” style headlines in 2009 it was made illegal in 2010. Despite this, mephedrone is now established as one of the most popular illegal drugs, on a par with ecstasy and cocaine. But mephedrone is only the tip of the iceberg. Underground chemists have hundreds of new compounds lined up for manufacture and new drugs are being identified at the rate of one a week.


Mephedrone is a synthetic (man-made) chemical modelled on the natural stimulant drug cathinone, which is found in the plant ‘Khat’. 

The leaves of the Khat plant have been chewed by people in East Africa (mainly Somalia and Ethiopia) for centuries. Chewing Khat leaves has a similar effect to caffeine (coffee) and is used as mild social stimulant. In the UK, possession of the Khat plant itself or its leaves is not illegal, you can buy it in some African food shops, but the chemical it contains, cathinone, is banned.

The first European synthesis of mephedrone was recorded in 1929, but it remained an obscure chemical compound up until 2003 when it was rediscovered by an underground chemist and publicised on the internet. From these early and enthusiastic postings on discussion forums, interest in mephedrone grew and it eventually became available to buy over the internet in 2007.

At that time the quality of both cocaine and ecstasy was dubious, to say the least: cocaine purity had dropped from 60% in 1999 to 22% in 2009; and almost all the ecstasy pills tested in 2010 contained no active ingredient, MDMA, but were made up of other substances including mephedrone. Consequently, the UK drugs market was primed for a new, cheap and, most importantly, legal alternative.

Mephedrone is one of a family of compounds known as Beta-Ketones that also include Methylone and Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). As these are synthetic relatives of cathinone they weren’t covered by existing laws at the time so they were sold as so called ‘legal highs’.

It is thought that much of the mephedrone available in the UK today is manufactured in India or China (although it is now illegal there), bought from internet sites and shipped by post. When it was legal, in January 2010, one kilo of mephedrone from China cost £2,500 which, when sold for £10 a gram, made a profit of £7,500. When it was made illegal in the UK in March 2010 the wholesale price jumped to £4,000 a kilo, retail prices for a gram doubled, and it was more likely to be cut with other powders (caffeine, glucose, monosodium glutamate, etc.) or mixed with other drugs. 

To Avoid The Risks Don’t Take Mephedrone!

However, if you are determined to go ahead with it, limit yourself to small amounts (no more than half a gram per session) and occasional use (no more than once a week). 

The more you take the more likely you are to have problems.

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As mephedrone usually comes in the form of a white powder, it is difficult to tell it apart from other ‘white powders’ sold as legal highs. 

And here’s the problem - there is no way of knowing for sure what is in the white powder bought from online suppliers, street dealers or even friends - you’ve got to believe what they tell you! There is also no way of telling that the ‘mephedrone’ bought from a trusted supplier last week is the same product on offer this week.

In South Wales in 2012 a mixture of mephedrone and ketamine was being sold as a cocktail called ‘kit-kat’, whilst in other areas of the UK it has been reported that crystal methamphetamine is being passed off as mephedrone. it is a case of ‘you pays your money and you takes your chance’ because there really is no way of knowing what it is!

Slow & Low

If your going to use Mephedrone take a small amount and wait. 

Don’t take more because you can’t feel anything happening after half an hour or so. Yes, it could be some blag white powder, or even a completely different substance, but how do

you know? 

Give it time to start. Taking too much too soon could put you on a bad one. 

Learn to recognise, and handle, the effects


Stimulant-type drugs like mephedrone cause a sudden release of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters). 

These include noradrenaline (which gives you the rush), dopamine (which gives you the euphoria) and serotonin (which gives you the loved-up feelings). However, as mephedrone is a short-acting drug, it also causes a sharp decrease in these chemicals and the effects wear off quickly.

As it comes on fast but wears off quickly this causes the urge to take more, or re-dose, that many users describe. This, in turn, sets up a pattern of compulsive use that may lead you to take more than you originally intended.


Users report a definite feeling of ‘coming up’ or ‘rushes’, as the drug starts to work. 

The main effects include alert, a sense of calm wellbeing, excitement, energy, elevated mood and feeling sociable and talkative.

Common unpleasant side-effects

Unwanted effects include dry mouth, teeth grinding, reduced appetite, poor concentration and short-term memory, increased heart rate, increased body temperature, palpitations of the heart, anxiety, depression, sweating, and pupil dilation.


Cutting down on the amount you take and cutting back on the times you take it will help reduce unpleasant side-effects and other risks.

Mephedrone can seriously dehydrate you. Make sure you keep your fluids topped up - sip water, fruit juice or, better still, isotonic sports drinks as these help replace the vital salts and minerals lost through sweating.

Mixing mephedrone with other drugs also increases the risks. Drinking alcohol and taking mephedrone can cause confusion and aggressive, erratic behaviour. Taking other stimulant-type drugs at the same time as mephedrone can increase the risks of dehydration and heatstroke, which could prove fatal.

The comedown can leave you feeling miserable, tired and drained but unable to sleep, and wanting to take more. These feelings can last well into the next day. So look after yourself through the week, eat and sleep well, get plenty of exercise to build stamina and resilience. Plan for the comedown, take the next day off, stay in bed, eat & drink (but no alcohol!), watch TV, just slob out or go for a refreshing walk and the bad feelings will soon be gone.

Mephedrone has been confirmed as causing or contributing to the deaths of 42 people (so far). So it’s clear that mephedrone can kill. Heatstroke may be a contributing factor, so stay hydrated and keep cool.

The Law!

Mephedrone is illegal here and in most of Europe. In the UK, mephedrone is a Class B controlled substance under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971). This means it is illegal to possess (maximum penalty five years in jail) or supply (maximum penalty 14 years in jail).


Under the Consumer Protection Act it is illegal to sell food, drinks or anything else for human consumption without rigorous safety checks. To get around this, suppliers initially described mephedrone as plant food, usually clearly marked ‘NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION’.

Some products are also sold as ‘research chemicals’ or ‘incense’, as in the case of cannabis-like substances such as Spice. Spice and other smoking preparations like Back Mamba and Annihilation are now illegal. Interestingly, six weeks after mephedrone was made illegal (in March 2010) products being sold as NRG1, NRG2 and MDAI were found to contain mephedrone 



The powder could be wrapped in a cigarette paper and swallowed (bombed), or dissolved into a drink. Capsules or tablets are usually swallowed.

How much?

Users say an effective oral dose is around 150mg, it comes on within about half an hour and lasts for 2-3 hours. Swallowing is possibly the least harmful way to take it, but if you take lots of it you risk damaging your stomach.

Reducing the harm

Drink plenty of water to dissolve it fully and help flush it through your system.


The powder can be snorted but it is reported to be very unpleasant, causing a burning sensation and nosebleeds.

How much?

Users say an effective snorting dose is around 50mgs, it comes on within a few minutes and lasts about an hour.

Reducing the harm

Mephedrone can damage the skin in the nose and nasal passages, causing inflammation, pain and nosebleeds. Washing your nose out with warm water between lines, or at least at the end of a session, will help reduce the damage.


Mephedrone melts at around 670c which is much lower than the direct heat generated by a match, lighter or joint. 

To release the vapour without burning the drug, indirect heat needs to be applied, usually on tinfoil or in a glass pipe.

How much?

Users say an effective dose is around 50mgs, it comes on within seconds but only lasts about half an hour.

Reducing the harm

The more you smoke the faster it comes on and wears off and you will want to take more to keep the buzz going. So have a look at the time when you take it and don’t have another hit for half an hour.


As it is such a recent addition to the drug scene no long-term studies have been conducted. 

Many users report a strong desire to continue taking it (craving) so it is possible that mephedrone could be psychologically addictive, on a par with cocaine and crack. 

It may be too early to say whether it is physically addictive or not.  

We don’t know if mephedrone can cause specific damage to your heart, liver, brain or central nervous system.

Basically, it’s not yet known what long-term harm might be caused by mephedrone. The only way to avoid the potential risks is not to use mephedrone.



Mephedrone, like all stimulants-type drugs increases heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. Taken to excess they can cause overdose and convulsions.

Early signs of stimulant overdose include:
  • Sudden rise in body temperature
  • Flushed face
  • Hot, dry skin but no sweating
  • Muscle cramps and stiffness in the arms and legs

What To Do

  1. If the person is panicking and hyperactive,
    reassure them that they will be alright if they relax and calm down. Explain what’s happening to them and what you are going to do.
  2. Get them to breathe in and out, deeply and slowly. Count with them the breaths in and out to slow the rhythm down. If they can’t control their breathing - hyperventilating - use a paper bag to breathe in and out of.
  3. They will start to feel very hot so take them to a cool place, loosen their clothing, particularly around the neck (but be careful not to panic them, they may interpret your movements as an attack!) and apply cold/wet towels or ice to the back of their neck.
  4. If they stop sweating or collapse, phone an ambulance IMMEDIATELY!
  5. Lay them gently on their side in the recovery position (see illustration) so they are comfortable and if they vomit it will drain away from them.
  6. Stay with them until the ambulance arrives, and tell the medics what they have taken. Don’t worry, you won’t get into trouble and this could save their life.



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Ketamine FAQs - Harm Reduction Information

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What is ketamine?

Ketamine is a general anaesthetic normally used on animals as a painkiller, but which also has hallucinogenic qualities.

Does it have any other names?

Common street names for ketamine include ‘K’ and ‘Ket’, but you might know it as something else depending on where you live.

What does it look like?

Medical-use ketamine comes in liquid form, but the stuff that’s used illegally has been dried out and typically comes as white or off-white powder. In this form, it can look a bit like cocaine. Occasionally, you can get it as a tablet.

How is it used?

As a liquid (usually for medical use), it’s injected. The powder is snorted or wrapped in cigarette papers and swallowed (bombed).

What’s the law on Ketamine?

In the UK, ketamine is a Class B drug. A sentence for possession comes with a maximum of five years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both. Supply or production of the drug can result in a maximum of 14 years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both. However, local police forces will have their own approach to dealing with personal possession. Medical use is legal with a prescription. 

How does it make you feel?

As with all drugs, its effects depend on how much you’ve taken, how you’re feeling at the time, if you’ve taken any other drugs, etc.

When snorted, the effects will start within five to ten minutes with a speedy rush-like feeling, and last between one and two hours. With small amounts, people report feeling dreamy, as if they’re having an out-of-body experience. With larger amounts, the effects become stronger and can turn into a full-blown hallucinogenic trip, sometimes known as a K-hole. You might find it difficult to move your arms and legs, patterns may look like they’re moving, colours might shift and change and you might have a synesthetic experience where you feel like you ‘see’ music. Some users feel spiritually uplifted, others find it quite scary. Ketamine’s trippy effects can be more full-on than LSD or magic mushrooms.

What are the risks?

  • Larger amounts of ketamine can leave you so out of it that your coordination goes and you can’t move. That’s not a good way to be in the middle of a club as it makes you vulnerable. Bring a friend along who can keep an eye on you when you’re using ketamine.
  • Ketamine is an anesthetic, which means you’re less likely to feel any pain and may not know if you’ve injured yourself.
  • The effects of ketamine are unpredictable and are particularly dangerous when mixed with other drugs, including alcohol.
  • There’s increasing evidence that ketamine can damage the bladder. If you experience an increased need to urinate, find you’re passing blood in your urine (wee, piss), are leaking urine or are in pain when you urinate, consult your GP and let them know you use ketamine.
  • You can quickly build up a tolerance to ketamine, which means you need to take more to get the same effects. That makes it very habit-forming and can have a very bad effect on your wallet, body and mind.

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